We’d Love to Support Your Event or Outreach
To invite Dr. Heather Lamb to speak to your PTA, civic league, organization, or educational event call us at 757.588.4968 or hlamb@BuildingBlocksServices.com.
Parental Involvement: How can I help?
- This presentation may take two forms, depending upon the audience. For school professionals, the presentation will focus on garnering parental involvement that will yield the greatest results. It will also provide practical strategies to creating an environment that is inviting to the parents and allows them to participate at their comfort level.
- The presentation for parents will focus on acknowledging the great importance of parental involvement. It will also present ways to become involved in your child’s education with a hectic lifestyle. There will also be an interactive discussion regarding parent/teacher communication and the expectations for the school and classroom teacher.
Options upon graduation – A 4 Year University is not the only route to success.
- This presentation will discuss the exciting options to attending a 4 year university after high school. The pros and cons of the 4-Year University will be discussed. Apprenticeship programs, community colleges, trade schools, and a variety of certification programs will be discussed.
Community Engagement – What can we do to support our students?
- This presentation is geared for civic league and other community organizations who want to help students improve academically and socially. Strategies to derive the needs of the school, how to support the school and all or specific groups of students will be discussed.
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